Personal Impact Awards
Medal Winners
Erjon Zhupali - FM Conway; Wayne Stillwell, Martin Derrick and Chance Dickens Chevron; Scott Dowsett, Gary Longhurst, Dean Fitzpatrick, Ryan Weston, Dave Potten - WJ; Chris Adams - Chevron; Lewis Brown, Mohammad Khan, Paul Gardiner – Chevron; Peter Moore - FM Conway; Robert Haley - WJ; Andy Hibbert - A One Plus; Emlyn Bullivant, Carnell; Lee McAllister - Amey; Faizul Tai Tai, Keiron Chiverton – Highway Traffic Management; Samuel Winter - FM Conway; Ewan Darmody - BEAR Scotland; Luke Waddy, VGC; Bernard Laird - Lingwoods Security; Sean O’Rourke – HW Martin Traffic Management; Barry Rustill - SPS Security on behalf of Tilbury Douglas; Darren Press of Carnell; Brett Southgate and Tyley Boozer of Highway Care
One of the highlights of the HH Awards was the presentation of the p I medals presented to a total of …people. Each individual winner performed a heroic dead which had an impact on either a colleague or member of the public who found themselves facing impending critical danger.
We had a huge number of award submissions from organisations wanting us to recognise individuals who through their own personal intervention, have had a positive impact upon an individual’s life either through suicide prevention or removing the risk to personal harm.
Our judges found it impossible to differentiate between these submissions, so they decided to introduce a personal impact medal, which, we hope recognises the amazing deeds our people perform on a daily basis - many of which go unspoken about amongst not only the broader supply chain but also within their own organisations.