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Recognise and celebrate your highways colleagues by nominating them for a Highway Heroes Award.

What do we mean by ‘Highway Heroes’?

In simple terms, it is anyone who has shown courage, bravery, noble qualities or simply went over and above to help or support someone or a situation.

We don’t need you to write an essay or even get the grammar right, we just need you to step back from the day job and think about all those things we do that go above and beyond the ‘day job’.


Ideally, we want people to nominate their colleagues, peers, team members or managers or maybe the person is an industry colleague from another company.


This past year or so has been a difficult time for us all and as an industry we think these awards are a great opportunity to recognise our ‘Highway Heroes’. We have received a huge amount of support from companies across the sector already so now we just need your nominations!


There are no specific categories or minimum criteria as we know the selfless acts of those in our industry know no boundaries. However, to give you some guidance, you can nominate someone for a random act of kindness, for courage, bravery or even saving a life. Maybe it’s someone who took it upon themselves to help a charity and got their company and colleagues on board to ‘just do more’ or perhaps it’s someone in the office who always goes over and above to help the team…the list is endless.


So, what are you waiting for, tell us who your Highways Hero is and why you’re nominating them in 3 easy steps…

Section 1 - About the person submitting the nomination

Section 2 - About the nominee

Is this nomination for any of our special recognition awards? If so police indicate from the choices below:
Upload Supporting Material

Thanks for submitting!

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